Today: Sep 08, 2024

Feds, Banks Colluded: Spying on Faithful, Armed Americans Uncovered

1 min read

Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) urged “large financial institutions to comb through the private transactions of their customers for suspicious charges on the basis of protected political and religious expression.” The collusion was between banks and federal agencies such as the FBI and Treasury Department. The banks and feds were urged to comb through the private transactions of their customers for suspicious charges based on political and religious beliefs, sparking criticisms they were specifically biased towards conservatives. Documents obtained by Jordan’s sub-committee reveal among other concerning things, that FBI field offices nationwide drafted a memo targeting “radical, traditional” Catholics and enrolled an undercover agent within the group. Financial institutions (as instructed) were then conditioned to detect gun purchases by potential active shooters. All the actions, particularly FinCEN’s and FBI’s led Rep. Jim Jordan to write formal letters to Bishoff, the former director of the Office of Stakeholder Integration and Engagement of FinCEN and to FBI Director Christopher Wray to enquire further. Jordan’s letters were explicit in regards to constitutional issues and the limits of FinCEN’s and the FBI’s own constitutional boundaries regarding this surveillance.  In 2021, the FBI improperly conducted warrantless searches against more than 278,000 US citizens. This collusion follows the previous issuing of technology mega-companies to silence opposition voices. Notably, another part of the Treasury Department that has made the headlines in a similar scandal, is the IRS under the Obama Administration. Having obtained more power via congressional democrats recently, the IRS targeted conservative groups so aggressively that the Washington Post was forced to acknowledge their bias once exposed. Nevertheless, 40 Congressional Democrats last year called on the Internal Revenue Service to once again target conservative groups including the Family Research Council using the US government to do so in order to “exinguish” bigoted beliefs.